Short shorts, or short jeans shorts, or jorts: How do you wear them properly? Is there a manual for these things or do you slap 'em on however you feel like? Here are our 10 tips on how to wear short jorts, the right way.

1. Do match it with a shirt. And tuck in.

Don't show bum cleavage to the point of exposing your knickers.

2. Do wear it like Taylor Swift - nicely fitted, showing off your beautiful legs!

Don't wear it like this guy, ever.

3. Do high-waisted jorts and pair it with something loose on top.

Don't wear something so baggy that it covers them: You'll look like you're not wearing any pants at all!

4. Do make sure your jorts aren't torn to shreds when you wear it out. This is fine:

Don't. This is just indecent:

5. Do show off an appropriate amount of midriff. If you have it, flaunt it!

Don't wear your 10-year old sibling's jorts. They will never fit.

6. Do pair it with a jacket or sneakers.

Don't pair it with a wallet chain.

7. Do wear a loose and comfortable top to cover a part of your jorts.

Don't ever wear your jorts over leggings. Ugh!

8. Do make sure your jorts fit. It doesn't have to be tight.

Don't wear it this way anywhere except Coachella.

9. Do match it with a fitted top.

Don't replace your underwear with jorts.

10. Do pair it with a tiny tank top, if you have the body for it:

Don't replace your boxers with jorts. Unless you have this body: