We can't beat the effects of age, unless we Benjamin-Button our way into youthfulness. While that is impossible until science finds a better age-defying answer, it appears that some celebrities have managed to look better now than when they were younger.

These celebrities' second chance at youth could be due to less-crazy hairstyles, the improvement of skincare and cosmetics, or a better-rounded health and fitness plan, or just really fantastic plastic surgeries. Whatever it is, they're looking stunning today.

Here are some 25 celebrities who are looking better than ever:

1. Sharon Osbourne (2004 vs. 2014)

Then: Sharon's hairstyle was still stuck in the '70s.

Now: Her hair is still stuck in another era, but the rest of her looks so much better.

2. Courteney Cox (2012 vs. 2014)

Then: Has to look crap like next to Jennifer Aniston to maintain a job on Friends.

Now: Gets to look hotter, now that she has her own show, Cougar Town. Meowr!

3. Demi Moore (2006 vs. 2014)

Then: Didn't have the money to maintain her face.

Now: Spends all her money maintaining her face.

4. Renée Zellweger (2004 vs. 2014)

Then: Had to look frumpy to play Bridget Jones.

Now: Makes an effort to distance herself from looking like Bridget Jones.

5. Mila Kunis (1999 vs. 2014) it pays to peak late!

6. Sarah Jessica Parker (2007 vs. 2014)

Then: Sex In The City? More like please have sex in the dark!

Now: At least she managed to get rid of that distracting wart.

7. Ewan McGregor (2006 vs. 2014)

Then: The Force wasn't so strong with this one.

Now: The Force a.k.a. Botox is too strong!

8. Gwyneth Paltrow (2012 vs. 2014)

Then: Pre-Iron Man.

Now: Pepper Pots gets a new look now that she's 'consciously uncoupled' from Chris Martin.

9. Nicole Kidman (2003 vs. 2014)

Then: Pre-Tom Cruise

Now: Post-Tom Cruise... and lots of Botox! Which brings us to...

10. Tom Cruise (2012 vs. 2014)

Then: What he looked like after wife number 3 escaped...

Now: This serial monogamist is keeping the age at bay.

11. Drew Barrymore (What a stark difference)

12. Halle Berry (2011 vs. 2014)

Then: The pre-cougar stage.

Now: Queen of the Cougars

13. Billy Bob Thornton (2002 vs. 2014)

Then: How he looked during his 'stashing blood in vials' days...

Now: What a difference Angelina Jolie's DNA makes!

14. Amanda Holden (2012 vs. 2014)

Then: Just another bland blonde.

Now: Still a bland blonde, but with bouncier hair.

15. Oprah

Then: Oprah pre-millions.

Now: After earning her millions... and discovering Photoshop.

16. Christie Brinkley

Then: MILF in the making.

Now: MILF.

17. Will Smith (2012 vs. 2014)

Then: In the running to become an official Obama Impersonator?

Now: Facial hair has never looked so badass.

18. Julia Louis-Dreyfus (1998 vs. 2014)

Then: Couldn't unlock secret beauty level in life.

Now: Unlocked maximum level of beauty in life. Super stunning.

19. Rob Lowe (2000 - 2012) Vampire?

20. Madonna

5000 years ago:

5000 years later:

21. John Travolta (2011 vs. 2014)

Then: The bald and the restless.

Now: What a difference a wig (and hair implants) make!

22. Queen Latifah (We're not sure about this one, but..) Her fashion has really improved.

23. Tyra Banks (1990s vs. 2014)

Then: Supermodel.

Now: Supermogul. Smize, gurl, smize!

24. Avril Lavigne (???? vs. 2014) She's definitely making up for lost time in high school.

25. Keanu Reeves (1994 vs. 2008)
