Do you celebrate food holidays? Nobody celebrates food holidays better than the United States. Did you know that those hungry Americans have more than 175 days dedicated to some of their most favorite foods?

But who gets to designate these national food days anyway?  If we had our way, we would probably petition for the following local delights to be given their own special day right here in Malaysia. You know you're truly Malaysian if you can agree to at least 12 out of 15 foods on this list:

Roti Canai
Breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea-time, dinner, supper, this is a great meal or snack for whenever.


It's icy, it's melty, and oh-so tasty.

Bak Kut Teh

If you're a non-Muslim, you know how awesome this dish is, especially on a rainy day or to alleviate a hangover.

Nasi Lemak
You aren't truly Malaysian if you don't have any love for this incredible dish.

Char Kuey Teow

It's so simple, yet so sinful. Everybody loves it.

Meat on a stick? Best. Snack. Ever.

Laksa" onclick=";return false;">
Did you know that it got 7th place on CNN’s Most Delicious Food Survey in 2011?

It's not totally healthy, but it's fruit! And hey, at least it helps us get our fruit fix in some way.

You need to have a serving of really good chicken or beef rendang if you don't have a clue about how this delicious dish tastes like. The problem is that it goes best with rice or glutinous rice, and it's super addictive, which means you need to be prepared to put on the pounds.

Mee Goreng Mamak
These noodles can be lethally spicy. But it's friggin' tasty.

Ayam Percik
The flavors on this one just make you wanna eat more of it. And it makes Ramadan season all the merrier when they are abundant at the Ramadan markets! Juicy, succulent ayam perciks will change your life forever.

Nasi Kerabu
Because it's blue. And it comes with a bunch of delicious side dishes.

Kuih-Muih" onclick=";return false;">

Because these guys are sweet, sticky, chewy, and are explosions of tastes in your mouth. It ain't a party without these guys.

Pisang Goreng
You can't not love pisang goreng! You just can't! Unless you hate bananas. Which is just... bananas!

Keropok Lekor
A pasar malam is not complete without at least one stall selling these savory munchies.