Some of you might be already be familiar with Ernestine Shepherd's amazing story. This female bodybuilder might be in her late 70s, but her impressive physique can rival those half her age. Back in 2010, she was declared the World's Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Despite what you might think, Shepherd only started working out when she was 56. She and her sister had been shopping for swimsuits, and weren't too happy with what they saw in the mirror. They both set their sights on becoming two of the oldest female bodybuilders, but her sister died before they could realize their dream.

Devastated, Shepherd ended up with high blood pressure, panic attacks, acid reflux and depression. She only became serious after her sister appeared to her in a dream and urged her to follow through. And she hasn't looked back since.

During a recent episode on "Oprah Prime", Shepherd shared the age-defying mantra that she says helps keep her motivated. Watch the inspirational clip below: