Karl Lagerfeld, the self-appointed "expert" on all things cool, is running his mouth again. The head designer and creative director of the fashion house Chanel recently conducted an interview with the Guardian, and was quick to give his two cents on things like selfies, being "sloppy" and tattoos.

Below are a couple of our favourite quotes from the interview:

On being sloppy: "to be sloppy after 25 is a problem. You have to be really fresh to wear stuff that doesn't look fresh"

On tattoos: "it's like sleeping in a printed T-shirt, you will never get clean again"

On fashion designers: "tell me, why do former young designers who are now in their middle 40s have to redo the 1960s and 70s. Why they cannot invent fashion for today?"

On selfies: "They are this horrible thing where you are distorted. The chin is too big, the head is too small. No, this is electronic masturbation."