An 18-year old Shanghai girl jumped to her death a few days ago, soon after posting an alarming selfie on her Instagram account.

Before she died, she cursed the man who had broken her heart, saying, "When I'm dead, I will cling to you day and night. I'll never leave you." Her tragic story is a cautionary tale in today's world where people are pressed for time and connect mainly through social media.

Lee Jia Yao goes by the name "JoJoTsai1012" online. She's posted many selfies, as well as conversations with her boyfriend. They refer to each other as "wifey" and "hubby" and the two apparently dated for about two years or more, until Jia Yao found out he was in a serious relationship with someone else and that she was the third party. She broke up with him but was tremendously depressed.

(Warning: Graphic images at end)

Two weeks ago, she posted: "I want to stop myself from crying late at night, but I can't do it. I can't take it. All of this is so unfair to me. I can't bear it at all."

She also wrote:
"It's been 12 days since the breakup. I've gone out with all sorts of men to have fun, eat out, watch movies, drink, and sing karaoke. Any of these guys are more handsome than he is and has more money too. I'm saying this to explain that I'm not someone who can't find a better man. I don't care how good-looking or how rich he is, since I have plenty of men with better qualities around me. All my close friends know this, but I simply cannot accept another man into my heart. Every time I went out with someone else, I would end up crying. I made myself smile. I told myself that 'the most important aspect of being a human is to be happy.' I kept hypnotizing myself with this thought, but in the end I still couldn't hypnotize my heart to believe it. I don't understand it. Since he didn't choose me, why did he give me so many expectations and promises? If he didn't want to have a baby with me, why did he let me pick a name? He even said if his mother didn't approve of our marriage, he would stay in love with me forever and we would get married when we got old. These were the most romantic and sweet words I've ever heard but it turned out to be a lie. I cannot forget any of this. It's impossible to forget, unless I die."

Then she posted the following to her ex-boyfriend: She posted the following to her ex-boyfriend: "I never thought that you'd deceive me, but I still love you."

Days later, she burned all the stuff collected during their affair on her bed, and posted a photo on Instagram, writing in English, "let it burn, all the things like ashes float away,"

In another post, she wrote: "When I'm dead, I will cling to you day and night. I'll never leave you."

Finally, she took a selfie while perched on the edge of a tall building in Shanghai before jumping to her death.

Sadly, she meant what she said she would do:

While there were many comments from followers encouraging her to stay calm, there didn't seem to be a way to actively help her. Many of them regret not reacting sooner to her depressed posts.
