Just when you thought there was no more hope for your slouchy posture, here's something that will fix that problem for you: A Parisian fashion design company, Up Couture, has just released Up, the world's first anti-slouching T-shirt.

The Up T-shirt doesn't incorporate rigid braces to keep a sloucher's spine and shoulder straight. Instead it uses a patented configuration of elastic bands which are sewn into the garment. Looping your arms through the holes, these bands are arranged in a figure-eight pattern.

This makes the t-shirt feel less comfortable to wear when slouching than when you practice good posture.

"The goal of the shirt isn't to force the wearer's posture into position, which would weaken his or her back muscles, and instead press in the right direction as soon as the wearer's shoulder's leave their unique alignment," says Up Couture on their official website.

According to designer Neda Naef, Up has a resilient form of elastic that allows the shirt to encourage better posture without degrading over time, which is a good thing since the t-shirt might also be one of the most expensive 'casual' t-shirts you'll purchase - with a single posture-enhancing tee costing between $175 and $200.

But of course, if you're a chronic huncher, that hefty price tag might be worth it. Think of it as a way to save your body from a life of back aches.

Get behind-the-scenes of the making of the Up T-shirt: