Nobody likes it when someone moves in on your ex just after you announce your divorce. So Orlando Bloom is feeling that way with Leonardo DiCaprio, for waiting a full two days before moving in on Miranda Kerr. He hasn't nailed her yet, but we're guessing it is anytime now already. A source told the National Enquirer:
"Miranda is Leo's dram girl. He's had the hots for her for years but mostly kept his distance out of respect for her marriage. About a month ago Orlando told Leo that he and Miranda were splitting up and he was brokenhearted over it. Leo comforted his pal, saying, 'I know better than anybody -- there are plenty of other fish in the sea.'" Then Leo, 39, turned around and asked 30-year-old Miranda out on a date.

"Orlando was shocked that a friend would stab him in the back so callously," said the source. "He told Leo to lay off, at least until his divorce is final." Still, the source said that Orlando, 36, grumbled to another pal: "With friends like Leo, who needs enemies!" (Print Edition - 12/16)
Will Leo and Miranda get together? What will Orlando do?