Justin Bieber can't catch a break from all this bad press. In the latest, guests at the Hyatt Regency in Perth, Australia reported hearing Bieber calling a young woman in a bikini that she looked like a "beached whale".

Furthermore, he added that she should "go on The Biggest Loser".
"One girl who was gorgeous looking, with long dark hair and would have been about a size 14. Justin looked over at her and said 'What are you, Hawaiian or something?' She said 'No, I'm not'. Then he said 'You look like a beached whale' ... The girl said 'Are you serious' and he said 'You should go on The Biggest Loser.' ... The whole pool deck heard him call this beautiful young girl a beached whale. Everyone heard. And there was silence. It was almost like his security were used to it."

Robinett, who works in Melbourne as an image consultant and was in Perth on business, said the girl looked "deflated" after the abuse.

Robinett's daughter, Gabrielle Blair, 21, said the girl was "almost in tears" after the exchange.

A fellow guest said she arrived on the deck shortly before the incident began.

"I saw Bieber make a gesture with his hands to imitate a large belly as he spoke to the long haired girl and I heard him say something about The Biggest Loser and he was pointing at her - and I saw the girl and her friends leave, downcast," the woman said. "I also told her not to take any notice of him as she walked past us, I'm not sure if she heard me. Bieber seemed to think he was funny, he was smiling and looking to his burly minders for their approval."
By now you should know Justin Bieber doesn't use his head when he thinks. Can you seriously be offended by someone who needs a man to sleep with him every night? [News.au]