TMI? But then again, the word "privacy" does not exist in the official Kardashian dictionary. Kanye's baby mama informed the Daily Mail that her lady-parts did not suffer any ill effects from childbirth:
Just days after she gave birth to Kanye West's baby Kim Kardashian was already examining her vagina in the mirror..."When I came back from the hospital the first thing I did was go and look at my vagina in the mirror. It looks better looking than before," she told her sister Khloé on the latest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians - filmed just after she gave birth to baby 'North'.

"I just want to come out to the world, and be naked and be like, 'I look so hot. I am back,' she raved, while making lewd gestures with both hands at the camera. "You called me a whale, Shamu, a cow..." she continued in her backlash to those who criticized her weight gain during pregnancy.
Good to know that Kim is feeling very confident about her vagina situation. Now if you would excuse us, we're going to go throw up.