The death of a family member can be a difficult time, which is why Gaga has decided to dress for the occasion. On Wednesday, the singer was spotted in London wearing funeral attire. She explains that she was paying tribute to her childhood pet dog, who recently passed away:
“My puppy Alice died. We had to put her down, cancer ate away at a little angel. My daddy is so sad, we all are, lost a member of our family,” she wrote late on Tuesday.

Looking somber and donning an elaborate face mask that covered her eyes as she left a London hotel, she said that it was tough being abroad during this difficult time.

“I love being an entertainer but it is so painful sometimes to be away from home 17 years she held on, so many memories. Nothing beats family,” added Gaga, who’s promoting her upcoming album, Artpop.

Her dog had been by her side through her rise to stardom and everything in between. “I remember her laying [in] my bed, she knew when I was sad, or when I was sick. I should have been there,” she wrote. “I just pray Alice found her wonderland.”
I guess sometimes we forget that stars like Gaga can feel sad about losing their beloved pet. Maybe she'll even pay tribute to Alice in her next album.