The latest rumor is that Justin Bieber was one of the reasons why Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr have decided to call it quits. Orlando was apparently not too happy about the pair's friendship and constant flirting. Sunday People reports:
Photos of the pair snuggling up after a Victoria's Secret fashion show last year have also emerged, with reports they spent several hours together at an after party and partied well on into the night.

"Orlando heard that there had been some ­flirting ­going on and he wasn't exactly thrilled about it," a source said. "Miranda had always claimed that she was a fan of Justin's music. She has taught her son how to say 'Bieber fever' but it is supposed to have caused an issue."
It's hard to believe that Miranda would actually pick Justin over her hunky elf husband. But hey, the heart wants what the heart wants (we guess). Here's another look at the ex-couple before Bieber fever broke them up.