Now that Christina Aguilera is all skinny again, Voice co-star Blake Shelton is getting a boner for her. He's got a crush on her now and wife Miranda Lambert isn't too happy about the whole thing. A source told the National Enquirer:
"Blake's already confessed to  having a crush on Christina, and Miranda is furious that he won't stop talking about her," said a source. "After he came home from the Voice set raving about how fabulous Christina looks, Miranda lit into him. She was really upset, especially after Blake gushed about how sexy Christina looked and how he wished Miranda had as good a figure. Miranda told him in no uncertain terms that the 'free pass' she gave him before is now officially and permanently revoked.

"With Christina looking so sexy these days, Miranda is a bundle of nerves. Her marriage is hanging by a thread, and Miranda fears the temptation of being around Christina for long hours day after day may be too much for Blake. She knows better than anyone that Blake doesn't have the best impulse control." (Print Edition 10/14)
Who knows what's going to happen with Christina Aguilera being all hot again.