Is Kim Kardashian's butt real or not? It's been long rumored that it isn't, but a tipster tells
Life & Style that she's full of it because its fake.
"Kim had lipo on her legs and the doctor moved the fat into her butt. That's why it didn't show up on the X-ray," the source tells Life & Style ... plastic surgeon Dr. Michelle Copeland tells Life & Style the evidence is apparent and her X-ray results are not conclusive proof.
"It definitely appears that Kim had her butt augmented," she says. "An implant has to be radio opaque to show up on an X-ray, so it's possible she has a type of implant that would not be detected."
So leg fat goes to butt fat. Now that's clever. We wonder if the butt is hard as a rock or soft like a soft serve ice cream?