I never thought there would be someone who couldn't stand the sight of the Kardashians. It has finally happened. Will this be diagnosed as a new disease?

According to The Daily Mail, an Exeter man named Mike Amess claims that he's developed a phobia of the Kardashians. He breaks out in cold sweat when he hears their voices, and the sight of a semi nude Kim will make him vomit.

The problem apparently began back in high school when he watched Kim's sex tape and it turned out to be a big mistake for him. It traumatised him.

“I downloaded the video and watched it secretly in my bedroom. But the sight of Kim writhing around with her huge bum and the sound of her horrible high-pitched wailing repulsed me. By the end of the tape, I had burst into tears. The experience left me terrified and I never wanted to see Kim’s face again. I have come to terms with my homosexuality now but my dread towards her has never left.”

Mike's phobia has gotten more intense over the years and now he tries his best to avoid the television, magazines, and well, basically he can't run away from the amount of coverage they get. Because then, he saw Kanye's Bound 2 music video:

“One day, I was lazing about on the sofa in front of the TV. I was skipping through music channels and that video came on. Seeing Kim naked, with her boobs bouncing about like that brought back memories of that horrendous sex tape. Before I knew it, I was sweating like a pig and throwing up.”