The news we've been waiting for: Justin Bieber was arrested for DUI, resisting arrest, drag racing and driving on a suspended license in Miami. Because you can't do all those things in Canada. From TMZ:

According to the police report, cops approached Bieber's car and the instantly realized he reeked of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes.  He had a "stupor" look on his face. The police report says Bieber was defiant from the get go, yelling at the cops, "Why the fuck are you doing this?"  He also yelled, "What the fuck did I do? Why did you stop me?"

When the officer tried to perform a routine pat down, Bieber said, "I ain't got no fucking weapons, why do you have to search me? What the fuck is this about?"

Now the basis for the resisting arrest charge -- Before the pat down, as Bieber got out of the car, he "kept going into his pants pocket." The cop ordered him to put his hands on the vehicle, and Bieber initially complied but soon took his hands off the car, turned and then cussed out the cop.
Why didn't the cop punch Bieber? Cussing at a cop is assault!

The Miami Herald adds:
The musician's entourage had apparently used their cars to block traffic on Pine Tree Drive at 26th Street, a residential area, at 4:30 a.m., creating a drag strip for the young star, who had been on a party spree in South Florida.
Six hours in jail and he's been released.