Shia LaBeouf loves to plagiarize so think he may be pulling a Joaquin Phoenix here. Remember how Joaquin said he was going to retire? And went on to grow a massive legendary beard? And then later came back out and said "hey guys it was all an art project"?. We think Shia is going to do just that too.

Of course, Shia's case is a tad different. He is now threatening to quit public life after being accused of plagiarism when he was caught taking credit for a story written by Dan Clowes. He even ripped his apology when he was caught. Long story short, Clowes' attorneys sent LaBeouf a cease and desist letter and now he is threatening to leave the spotlight. He tweeted:
“In light of the recent attacks against my artistic integrity, I am retiring from all public life. My love goes out to those who have supported me. #stopcreating.”
Like Megan Fox, he'll just be known as that person who was in Transformers one time.