So turns out Ke$ha has an eating disorder. At least its not drugs! But this is just as bad. She has checked into the Timberline Knolls Treatment Center to seek help for that. From TMZ:
Sources directly connected to Ke$ha tell us it all started when the singer's "Get Sleazy" tour ended in 2011. She says [her producer Dr. Luke] started ragging on her over the extra lbs she had gained in her downtime. Ke$ha says Luke began calling Ke$ha fat and urged her management team to do something about it.

Our sources say Ke$ha complained during a music video shoot in 2012 Luke told her she "looks like a fucking refrigerator" and the singer was profoundly affected by it.
Ke$ha should learn from all the other celebrities that have gone from fit to fat and that's no problem at all.