Today, consumer tech demands audio content more than visual videos or reading blogs. As generations progress, people look for more on-the-go content because of the busy lives they lead. Reading blogs and watching videos is great, but podcasts have their own value. To become a podcast host, the first thing that comes to mind is how your show will be engaging, have a satisfactory listenership, and how you will maintain those listeners. Well, there isn't any shortcut to it. The quality of your audio content will attract the desired audience on its own. You have to focus on the quality and flavor of your content. Keeping listeners at their edge and having them want to anticipate your next episode is important. Following are 10 tips for building a strong relationship and empathy with your audience.

1. Have A Strategy For Your Show

A strategic approach at the start will lead to a well-planned podcast. Naming your podcast right is a big deal. It is what will initially make the audience click on your podcast.

2. Plan Your Content 

Planning the type of topic that you want your show to revolve around and having it broken down to at least 100+ episodes will keep your audience tempted to your podcast.

3. Promote Your Podcast

Spread the word. Promote your podcast on various social media. Contact that influencer friend and all the people you know to help you create that hype for your show. 

4. Stream On Popular Platforms:

Here hosting plays a crucial role. Streaming your podcast on platforms where listeners crave audio content is a bonus. The melon app promotes multistream, which means you can go live on multiple platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch at the same time. Check out to learn more about Melon's podcast hosting.

5. SEO Is Key:

Optimizing your textual content to rank it top is quite essential for getting more clicks. Experts have already laid the foundation of keywords best for your chosen topic. Use them specifically and stand out from the rest.

6. Reuse Video Clips from Your Episode

Recreate clips from your episode into slide decks or easily buffered videos to your social media platforms with captions that draw the desired audience.

7. Email Creativity

Instead of sending people the link to your entire episode, be creative and email them a small interactive clip of your episode to engage them in a glance. 

8. Encourage Feedback

Interact with your audience. Encourage them for their feedback. Keep them in a loop for their suggestions. Melon, a podcast software, supports multistream (explained further) and real-time chat with your audience during the broadcast. 

9. Create A Website

Indulge your listeners into more than just audio content. Trace them back to subscribe to your podcast through blogs, social handles, and email newsletters.

10. Consistency Matters

Lastly, consistency and the number of your uploads will help you rank on your preferred hosting platform and give your listeners the satisfaction of subscribing to you.