Search engine optimization and social media marketing may sound like distant terms to any layman. Whereas one term describes marketing using various social media platforms, the other term describes the process of optimizing online content to increase the audience. Integrating both aspects to a cohesive whole brings enormous benefits to your social media profiles. 

Be it that you are using your social media campaign for politics or promoting your product, the same marketing tools apply. SEO techniques applicable to websites can be easily transferable to social profiles as well. The only difference is through the content structure and how the SEO techniques are applied. 

When it comes to social media profiles SEO, the first place to work on should be your profile. For those using multiple sites, having a consistent image across the platforms is better for brand recognition. The bio should also be as relevant enough and interesting to attract attention. That said, check out the following best SEO practices for social profiles. 

Post High Quality or Post Frequently 

If you can't afford to post frequently, then opt for high-quality posts. The opposite is also true. PewDiePie is one of the most popular YouTubers who made his way through posting daily for years. Well, his posts weren’t that high quality, but he made his channel popular by frequently posting his personality. 

On the contrary, Leminno, owned by David Wangstedt, could take up to a month to update a video. However, when they do, they are of uniquely high quality that it receives thousands of views on the posting day. So to say, his documentary, the Simulated Reality took him three months. However, he received praise the day he uploaded it. 

Posting schedules vary according to social media networks. For instance, posting several times daily is common for Twitter. However, this would be considered excessive on LinkedIn. Look into the best post sizes for Facebook, as well as other social media sites. 

Social Media Relies on Keywords 

Perhaps the first technique you should transfer from your on-page website to your social profile is the use of keywords. Social media acts like a search engine and will promote profile posts based on how fast they become popular. However, search engines should also help profiles find your post. 

You should pick the best keywords to include in your posts. Add them in your product descriptions, articles, your page as Google needs to understand what they are looking for. With this, there isn’t a limit to the number of keywords you can add. However, find out or imagine the type of words people would key in to search engines to find your posts. 

Post Sexy, Educational, Insider and Funny Content 

By playing around with your social media posts, you will realize the following. Sexy content gets a lot of views, educational content attracts high-level engagement, funny posts drive in more views, and traffic and insider information get a lot of shares. That said, try using memes with funny puns about your products or niche or post short videos with witty comments relating to your line of products. 

Images Do Work 

Data from various analytics attest to the fact that social media posts without images will likely be less successful compared to those with images. The thing is, images not only draw social media users attention but also attracts a wild lot. You only need to be careful to ensure that your choice of image related to the text on your post. 

This is true, especially if you are looking for social media users who can visit your website, buy, subscribe, or buy products. Some users may click on the link based on the image, without reading the text attached to the post. Beware of this as you wouldn’t want to feel the impact of setting up expectations that are inconsistent with the content of your landing page. It goes without saying that it will increase your website’s bounce rates. 

Be Updated on Social Media and Google SEO Rules 

Unlike before, Google doesn’t issue changes on its rules as it did. Google search engine is quite difficult to manipulate currently, which is why threats of devastating Google updates, including Google Penguin and Panda, shouldn’t worry webmasters. Nonetheless, it pays to always be up to date with SEO rules for both Google and Social media. 

For instance, there was a time where spamming popular keywords gave a lethal boost on social media. However, such methods do not work currently. As at now, the number of likes and shares your posts receives affect your social media ranking compared to anything else. Care to find what will matter tomorrow? Keep yourself updated. 

Learn To Speak Spider 

You shouldn’t hesitate to apply the same website SEO techniques on your social media posts. For instance, it is a prudent idea interlinking your web pages and separate websites. Besides, you can also interlink your social media posts, and cross-platforms from Facebook to Twitter, YouTube to Google+, and much more. 

Make Use of Adwords 

If you haven’t been making use of Adwords to mine the best keywords and titles for your websites, it is time to start using it right away. This discovery tool is the best when it comes to finding free and awesome keywords to use. Apply the same keywords on your social media posts, especially if you want to link them back to web pages using the same keywords. 


On-page SEO techniques can be easily transferred to any social media campaign to make your social media posts more popular. When doing so, there are several aspects to watch out for. For instance, create a Facebook page instead of using a Facebook profile. Other mistakes to avoid when working on your social profile’s SEO include; 

Not making your social media business sites public 
Not customizing Facebook URL 
Duplicating other website’s content 
Ignoring your business name on Facebook and Twitter 
Uploading photos and videos on social channels without proper captions or names such as Photo 002. 

Working on your social profile, SEO takes time and appearing on search engine results page doesn’t happen overnight. Spend enough time and resources to promote your content on Twitter, Facebook, and other social profiles to boost your search engine rankings with the above-mentioned SEO practices.