Almost everybody today knows how to use a mobile device; which is why the market for mobile apps is huge and constantly. However, there are quite a number of mobile apps that are downloaded but hardly used. In order to make sure that people use a particular app out of a billion options available, one needs to do great marketing and for good marketing one needs to hire a responsible and efficient mobile app marketing agency. Some mobile app developers believe in working in-house for cost-cutting, but this is something that is completely wrong and illogical.

What Does A Marketing Agency Do?

A marketing agency knows the right channels, has the skills to study the market, and knows the best promotional techniques required for app marketing. So in case you are doubtful about hiring a marketing agency then here is a deeper view of the marketing channels and the services that a marketing agency offers:

Paid Search- This is a high marketing channel used by web and app marketing companies, this is usually done is accordance with paid display. 
App Store Optimization- ASO is known to be the core of app marketing; it helps in reducing the marketing costs and also helps in boosting ROI by just increasing the overall number of free downloads from the app store. There are a number of marketing agencies that are specialized in ASO. 
Referrals- This is considered to be a unique marketing channel by a few of the marketing agencies. 
Email Push And In App Messaging Service- Using email push services and in app messaging is known as engagement marketing. This kind of marketing is considered to be important for the marketing of mobile apps than it is for web marketing. 
PR- Receiving recognition from a publication is considered to be a great booster; there are quite a lot of agencies that are specialised in PR services. 
Tradition Kind Of Marketing- Although marketing via radio, print and television is considered to be a traditional way of marketing are quite well versed and are popular for digital marketing as well as for traditional marketing. 
Social Management- A lot of brands have benefited from being organically social and there are quite a number of agencies that specialised in this channel of marketing. 
Paid social- In this data is acquired on the users and is mainly centered on the social media websites like instagram and facebook. Paid social is a great for grabbing the attention of the buyer community in today’s digitalised world. 

How Do The Marketing Agencies Do Mobile Marketing?

Well as important it is to understand the different marketing channels that the agencies use, it is also vital for you to understand the step by step procedure of how do companies do marketing. This would give you a proper insight of the working of the marketing agencies that do mobile app marketing. 

The Consultation- Initially there is an informal session where clients run their brains and question the agency about their experience and various recommendations. Then in return the agency tries to understand the needs and requirements of the clients.
Set Up Goals- The agency tries to understand the key performance indicator for proper execution of the marketing technique and for achieving success.
Development Of The Proposal- Once the agency understand the goals of the client’s, they create a list of recommendations and prepare an execution plan for the achievement of their goals. 
The Brainstorming Session- Once the agency gets an idea of the goals of the agency, they start working with the clients; during this brainstorming session they ask the clients their competitors, they ask for their relative inputs and the keywords. Also they ask for other information that would help in the optimization of the performance. 
Building Of The Strategy- The agency then starts the research and sets up the creatives for the building of the campaigns. 

Once you understand the working of the marketing agencies, then it is time for looking out for an agency that would suit your requirements. For this you just need to check the agency’s blog, do some research and ask people in your network.