It’s easier than ever to create and run your own website. Dedicated website builders have changed the way that businesses are able to create their own online storefront, and offer a wide array of advantages over more traditional methods of website creation. 

Often, the hardest part of building your website in the modern age is deciding which platform is best to use. With such a wide variety of options, each with their own customizable options and unique benefits, it can be difficult to narrow down exactly which one is best for you. To make things easier, these three factors should always be where you start.

What to look for?

When it comes to choosing the best platform for your website, it’s a good idea to make a list detailing exactly what you want from it. Consider your goals and include in your notes a list of features that you think would suit your branding and business model. If your marketing strategy is going to include lots of photos or video, then you should obviously opt for a platform that is optimized for visual content. If you’re concentrating more on the eCommerce side of the business, then select a platform that promises more focus on that. Remember, if you’re unsure about what you’re going to need on your site, look at your competitors to see what they’re doing right (and what they’re doing wrong).

Using the right tools

All of the better website building platforms make use of automatic formatting so that your website is easier to view on mobile devices. This has never been more important, and no matter which platform you ultimately decide on, you should always make certain that you're fully optimized for mobile browsing. This is the fastest growing trend in internet use, and your business will lose potential customers by not ensuring that every page is easy to view and navigate when on a smartphone or tablet. Use the available templates, customize where you can and where you feel is necessary. Not every template is going to allow for customization, but many pre-designed templates aren’t going to need much in terms of alteration.

Making Money From Your Website

If your website is going to be used primarily as a storefront, then it’s worth avoiding the most popular platforms. Instead, look at the more dedicated shopping cart services like Shopify. While most platforms offer some ability to sell products and service, sites like Shopify, that are dedicated to eCommerce, allow for much greater options. If you’re not sure how to integrate the necessary payment functions or customize the available templates, then it’s worth talking to developers like who can ensure that your website does everything that you need it to do. 

Look closely at your website needs and do your research once you have a firm idea of what you want it to do for you. Choosing the right platform can make all the difference to your online presence, and making the wrong decision can have a long-term effect on your forward strategies.