Self-driving cars can get in to accidents, and Google's one just did. The accident occurred three miles from Google's Silicon Valley campus. It hit a bus. This is the story:
Google’s car was attempting to make a right-hand turn on red, and moved to the right side of a wide lane on El Camino Real to pass traffic stopped at the light. But as Google’s car neared the intersection of Castro Street, its path was blocked by sandbags around a storm drain, according to a report Google filed with the California DMV.
Google’s car tried to go around the sandbags by cutting into the line of vehicles on the left side of the lane. Instead, it struck a metal piece connecting the two halves of an accordion-style bus, according to a Valley Transportation Authority spokeswoman. Google said its car was going less than 2 mph and the bus was moving at 15 mph. Both parties said there were no injuries and described the crash as minor.
Google has characterized the accident as a learning experience.
“We hope to handle situations like this more gracefully in the future,” Google said in a monthly report. “We clearly bear some responsibility, because if our car hadn’t moved there wouldn’t have been a collision.”