Never underestimate the power of a tweet. Ryan Graves' story is really out of this world, and one that's extremely lucky. Forbes Billionaire List was released this week, and Ryan was one of the new names on it. He got the job at Uber in 2010 by tweeting 'hire me' to Uber's founder.

He saw Kalanick's tweet about a start-up:

And since he's one of Uber's first employees, Forbes estimates his stake in Uber is pretty huge: 1.4 billion huge. Before that though...

Before Uber, Graves held an “unglamorous” position at General Electric without much growth potential, he told DailyFinance. He eventually hustled an internship at Foursquare by pretending to work for them after they turned him down for a job. Just a few months later, he tweeted the billion-dollar tweet.

Graves became Uber's head of global operations and oversaw its expansion to hundreds of cities around the world.