If you're using Firefox to access OKCupid, you might be struck with the message you see above. It encourages its users not to use Firefox because of Mozilla's new CEO Brendan Eich's believes - he opposes gay marriage.

Check out the full message below:
Hello there, Mozilla Firefox user. Pardon this interruption of your OkCupid experience.

Mozilla's new CEO, Brendan Eich, is an opponent of equal rights for gay couples. We would therefore prefer that our users not use Mozilla software to access OkCupid.

Politics is normally not the business of a website, and we all know there's a lot more wrong with the world than misguided CEOs. So you might wonder why we're asserting ourselves today. This is why: we've devoted the last ten years to bringing people—all people—together. If individuals like Mr. Eich had their way, then roughly 8% of the relationships we've worked so hard to bring about would be illegal. Equality for gay relationships is personally important to many of us here at OkCupid. But it's professionally important to the entire company. OkCupid is for creating love. Those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame, and frustration are our enemies, and we wish them nothing but failure.

If you want to keep using Firefox, the link at the bottom will take you through to the site.

However, we urge you to consider different software for accessing OkCupid:
Mozilla's new CEO Eich apparently donated $1000 in support of Proposition 8 in Califronia. The ballot measure changed the legal definition of marriage in California to be a union between a man and a woman.

Since Eich's appointment at Mozilla on March 24th, activist developers have started boycotting Firefox.

Mozilla sought to distance itself from Eich's previous political activity, stating publicly that as a company, it supports marriage equality.
Mozilla's mission is to make the Web more open so that humanity is stronger, more inclusive and more just. This is why Mozilla supports equality for all, including marriage equality for LGBT couples. No matter who you are or who you love, everyone deserves the same rights and to be treated equally.
OK cupid never reached out to us to let us know of their intentions, nor to confirm facts.