3D printing is so amazing, we can 3D print bones now. But here's one story that's even more amazing. A team of Dutch brain surgeons have taken it to the next level by replacing the bulk of a woman's skull with a 3D printed dome.

Graphic warning in the video below.

The patient suffered a rare condition that caused her skull to thicken. It increased the pressure on her brain so the team of doctors from Utrecht University's UMC made a perfect copy of her skull using a 3D printer and fitted it on to her head in a 23 hour long surgery.

"Implants used to be made by hand in the operating theatre using a sort of cement which was far from ideal," explained Ben Verweij, who led the operation. "Using 3D printing we can make one to the exact size. This not only has great cosmetic advantages, but patients' brain function often recovers better than using the old method."

The best part? The patient is alive and well. [Dutch News]