Your ring is a piece of jewelry to signify something, or simply to spice up your look. But this ring is different. This Ring gets things done for you.

Ring is a project on Kickstarter. It's basically a ring: a chunky silver piece meant to be worn on your index finger. It's equipped with a bunch of sensors, including Bluetooth, a touch sensor on the side, a vibration motor, several kinds of motion sensors, and an LED display.

Ring syncs with your phone, which interprets various air-scrawling movements and performs whatever action you want; like writing a text. You can also customize your air-writing symbols or invent your own. The app can work with all kinds of gadgets, as long as they're connected to the Internet.

The product is on Kickstarter for an entire month with an initial asking price of $250,000, but they've already amassed a $460,000 with 2,700 backers!

Watch how the ring works in the video below: