I can't believe this is happening. People are defiling the Great Wall of China and it is a huge problem. China's solution is to let people do it, but only in a few specific spots. What?

The Guardian reports that Chinese authorities plan to section off a few parts of the nearly 3000-year-old wall. It will be designated as graffiti zones, so that people will stop carving up the rest of the famous monument.
The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall has frequently had graffiti written on it in English and other languages, according to a statement from the district's publicity department.

A report on Beijing Evening News on Friday said lots of newly carved graffiti in foreign languages has appeared on the Mutianyu section, far more than the Chinese-language graffiti.

The No 5 Fighting Tower building is a popular spot for writing graffiti, with most of it in English, the report said.
[ECNS via The Guardian]