It's a shame Facebook didn't approach BlackBerry with that $19 billion offer, because BlackBerry's CEO John Chen said he would totally sell BBM for $19 billion.

"I work for the shareholder," John Chen, CEO of BlackBerry, said in an interview with CNBC from Mobile World Congress on Tuesday. "If somebody comes to me with $19 billion, I would definitely sell it. I would recommend to the board to take it."

He reiterated that he is willing to sell off BBM if the price is right. Though it is unlikely anyone would pay $19 billion for it.

Facebook announced last week that it would acquire WhatsApp for $16 billion in stock and cash, with another $3 billion in restricted stock units thrown in for employee retention.

BlackBerry stock jumped 4% after the WhatsApp deal was announced. Will anyone offer BlackBerry that sort of sum? What do you think?