30 years ago, Apple revealed their infamous 1984 ad for the Macintosh. Today, they're probably going to run a sequel for that.

Get nostalgic with the ad below:

The "1984" commercial that introduced the Macintosh aired 30 Super Bowls ago last week. Lee Clow, the creative director at Chiat Day who created the original "1984" ad, tweeted this two weeks ago:

Apple has been making a big deal about the 30th anniversary for the Mac. According to a recent earning report, Apple sold 20 percent more Macs in 2013 than they did in 2012.

It was widely known that Jobs considered "1984" to be one of his crowing achievements. He even produced a remastered version of the ad for the Mac's 20th anniversary, with the heroine wearing an iPod, of course.

Could they produce something better than the above or something better than what they ran last year?