It feels like we're getting closer to Star Trek replicators these days. Now a new kind of 3D printer dubbed Objet500 Connex3 will be able to produce multi-color, multi-material objects at the same time.

Prototypes can now come with a variety of look and feel. "As the first true multi-purpose 3D printer, we believe the Objet500 Connex3 color multi-material 3D printer is in a league of its own, enabling you to dream up a product in the morning, and hold it in your hands by the afternoon, with the exact intended color, material properties and surface finish," Stratasys vice-president of product marketing and sales operations Igal Zeitun, said in a statement.

The Objet500 Connex3 can be quite elaborate. It uses three different base resins and 10 color palettes, and Stratasys provides examples that are surprisingly elaborate, including a pair of sports goggles, flexible shoes, headphones, a blender and even multi-colored football and bike helmets.

Its size however suggests the consumer version isn't quite ready just yet. But it may be near, seeing that they bought consumer oriented 3D printing company Makerbot in 2013.

Check it out below: