A developer claims that he has built the first Google Glass app designed for sex. It's not porn, but sex. "Sex with Glass" is designed to let partners share their point of view with each other to "experience sex like never before".

Sounds like a pretty fascinating idea. Both parties will have to be wearing Glass during the encounter. The app will send a live video stream to the other person's display upon command.

"OK, Glass, it's time," lets them see what they see in real time. You stop the stream with the words, "OK, Glass, pull out," according to the app's website.

There will also be an accompanying iPhone app called Glance, which will let users switch the point of view to the iPhone's camera to see the "whole picture". Sex with Glass will create a video from the footage on all three devices that can be viewed later. The whole video will self destruct after 5 hours.

It sounds great, but here are some issues. First, two people need to be wearing Glass at the same time. Each Glass will set you back $1,500 each. It isn't even for sale just yet.

And then there's the concern about privacy. Google Glass is hackable. Sex With Glass would represent the ultimate target for creepy hackers with a peep show fetish.

The team behind Sex With Glass has already shown a willingness to adapt. Maktabi says they removed a sentence from the website that read, "That's for all the ladies out there," in reference to the five-hour time limit on the video — presumably assuage women's fears about revenge porn.

Will this app get banned on Google Glass?