Your clothes in the future could feature an entire computer that could be stretched, pressed or adjusted. Let's call it cyborg-wear for now. A team of scientists has used nanowires to create a new wearable, multifunctional sensor.

It uses the same technology that's at work in smartphone screens. The tech can stretch up to 150 times its normal size and was developed by scientists at North Carolina State University. It can conduct electricity and has the ability to store an electric charge too.

The stretchy material was made by pouring a liquid polymer insulator over nanowires attached to a silicon plate, which can be peeled off and woven into clothing.

"These sensors could be used to help develop prosthetics that respond to a user's movement and provide feedback when in use," explains Dr. Yong Zhu, senior author of a paper about the sensor, in a release. "They could also be used to create robotics that can 'feel' their environment, or the sensors could be incorporated into clothing to track motion or monitor an individual's physical health."

The clothes of the future look pretty exciting, don't you think? [NC State via The Verge]