As a parent, you're always worried when the time comes for your kid to take the wheel. Will they abide by the rules? Will they drive responsibly? These are all valid questions and concerns that every single parent has.

Luckily for those that still tethered to their kids, Truvulo presents its tracking device for cars. The company sells a device that connects to your car's onboard computer to send alerts when the car surpasses a certain speed and when loved ones reach their destination. There's also updates on car performance along with any potential problems.

Of course, there's the privacy issue in this. People don't like the idea that they are being tracked. Will hackers be able to break in the system?

Truvulo stands by its security and privacy policies saying that the device and app do track your location and driving activity. The company says it "may share your information with third party service providers who perform marking or other services on [its] behalf" as well as disclose your personal information with law enforcement if deemed necessary for an investigation.

The company is raising money on Indiegogo to fund the first production run. Check out the video below: