Batteries are unreliable these days. They don't last long enough! Which is why the move to e-ink displays are incredible. It lets you do your thing on a single charge. Japan Display has created a new type of full-color LCD display and it promises fantastic battery by emulating many of the tricks e-ink displays use.

The display features a newly developed layer making it highly reflective and visible without the need for a backlight which usually accounts for about 80 percent of an LCD display's power consumption.

Like an e-ink display, the unique Memory-In-Pixel structure of these LCDs will allow them to display a static image indefinitely without the need to use any additional power.

The new displays have already gone into mass production. Devices such as fitness trackers, smartwatches, or even color ebook readers employing this new display technology should be popping up sometime this year. [Japan Display via Fareastgizmos]