Ever wondered what space sounds like? Is it a deaf empty nothing? Or do you hear things that seem familiar to you? This video below will show you what it sounds like.

If you think you're listening to the sound of a rainforest, you're wrong. That's space:
CHORUS consists of brief tones which sounds like a chorus of birds at daybreak created when electrons hit the Earth's atmosphere. This new audio composition has been created for the Trajectory Installation at Leicester University by Andrew Williams. It makes use of data collected by the Cluster 2 Satelite in 2001 using LWR (long wave radio.)

Through a process of transposition and filtering the signal (which are naturally outside of the range of human hearing) the tones become audible. Andrew has shaped the material and developed a performance structure using a multi speaker difussion system to recreate the spatial qualities of the Earth Chorus within the gallery space. Andrew is Leverhulme Artist in Residence at the Space Research Centre, Leicester University.
Talking to sci-news, Williams said he "was quite shocked at how similar electrons hitting the Earth's atmosphere sound to bird song.

Check out the video below: