The a combination of online games, internet, smartphone and tablets are giving modern parents the tools to use as play things for their children. Are they necessarily good or bad will probably be how they control the amount of such exposure to them. Some concerned experts want age limits to be put on certain online games because it gives them an early taste of the world of compulsive gambling.

Games like Candy Crush Saga and other games set kids up for problems with compulsive behavior. And researchers have proof of this too, according to the Telegraph.

15% of some 2,700 high schools students surveyed had played games involving free gambling in the previous week. According to an organization called Gamble Aware, 2% of kids between 11 and 15 already have serious problems with gambling.

How can we curb this? One way is to educate kids about gambling, much like how we're doing now with sex. Another way? Go on a gadget diet!