If you're looking for the best french fries, in the freaking Universe, then you'll have to look further than cooking them on Earth. Because according to a new study, the best is on Jupiter.

Anywhere with three Gs would offer optimal french-fry-frying conditions. The study used a custom-built deep frier meant to function under intense gravitational conditions on an ESA centrifuge. They fried them potatoes from 1.8 to nine times the gravity of Earth.

Scientists were measuring how the heat flowed as the fries cooked, and that amping up the gravity affected how heat got transferred throughout the fry. Gravity was only part of the process. Then, there was pressure.

The team ultimately found that french fries cooked at a zero degree inclination (flat) and under 3Gs (or three times the gravitational force of Earth) were the optimal conditions for the best french fry.

We'll know where to get the best ones then when intergallactic travel is ubiquitous. [Discover via CNet]