Intel unveiled a "smart bowl" at CES 2014. And it may be something you'll actually want. It is a wireless charging bowl. Just dump your phone, or any other gadget that can fit in it and it will charge it.

There are no wires and no jacks on this thing.

It seems this is the only thing that people are talking about, though Intel CEO Brian Krzanich did unveil a bunch of new initiatives: a PC the size of a golf ball called Edison, and an end to use "conflict minerals" from African war zones in its products.

Instead people were interested in the bowl.

Intel also has a smart watch coming out that allows an app to track the wearer, and Jarvis like earpiece that can handle a conversation and manage your phone even when it's not switched on.

You can read Krzanich's speech here, to see exactly what he said about it. Here are some technical specs here as well.