The dude you're staring at in the picture above is 5,500 years old. His face was reconstructed from a prehistoric skull buried near the UK's Stonehenge which is 5,500 years old.
The reconstruction was brought to life by Swedish sculptor Oscar Nilsson. The body pre-dates the construction of the Stonehenge by some 500 years. According to New Scientist:
Nilsson used a vinyl copy of the skull... as a base for his clay reconstruction of muscles, guided by markers denoting the fleshiness of the face. He created moulded silicon skin and added pigment before punching in the hair.
Ridges on the skull reveal that this man was muscular – which is not surprising given the Neolithic lifestyle. He had highly masculine features, such as a well-defined chin and jawbone. "I had to give him a beard – there were no razors then," says Nilsson.
Watch the video of the reconstruction below: [
New Scientist]