Just because eating a certain food is healthy or good for you doesn't mean you should eat every part of it, or overeat. Some everyday foods could even poison you - when we say poison, we really mean you might suffer a tummy ache or so.
Here are some things you might not have known about these 10 everyday foods that could kill you.
CherriesCherry pits are loaded with hydrogen cyanide, so don't try to chew and swallow them.
Wild AlmondsDon't ever eat wild almonds. They're loaded with cyanide and that would be the end of you.
Castor BeansCastor oil is derived from castor beans, which is a source of
ricin when raw.
ApplesYou might have gone through a few apple seeds in your lifetime, but eating too many apple seeds causes your body's enzymes to morph compounds in the seeds into cyanide.
TomatoesTomatoes are part of the nightshade family. Their stems, leaves, and green unripe fruit contains toxic alkaloid tomatine.
ElderberriesThese are popular in wine and as a medicinal tea. But don't eat the green parts because they contain cyanogenic glycoside sambunigrin, which will cause your system to purge. And that won't be a very pleasant experience for you.
Kidney BeansUndercooked kidney beans have a toxin called phytohaemagglutinin. You'd have to vigorously boil them to neutralize it, but just to be safe, get the canned ones.
Lima BeansUncooked legumes are loaded with cyanide.
PotatoesStay clear from green potatoes. They're packed with solanine, which will make you puke. Also eating too much of this will cause cardiac arrest.
Rhubarb The leaves of rhubarb stalks contain oxalic acid, which is bleach.