A decade ago, liposuction was one of the primary treatment methods for stubborn fat around the body. However, fat-reduction technologies have increased over the years, and people with stubborn fats can choose between many surgical and non-invasive alternatives. 

Generally, non-invasive treatment methods focus on breaking down fat cells. Some expose fat cells to heat, while others expose them to controlled cooling. Others use ultrasonic injury or radiofrequency to damage the fat cells. Like medical treatments, the results of a fat reduction procedure may vary considerably, explaining why clients should research each fat reduction method. This post highlights the pros and cons of five common fat-reduction treatments based on the average client experience.

1. Emsculpt

This method is ideal for people struggling to achieve their dream body, even with regular exercise and diet. Emsculpt neo is an advanced version of the original Emsculpt treatment, which relies on radiofrequency to tighten the skin and reduce fat. The treatment takes about 30 minutes per session and six sessions over three weeks. After six weeks, maintenance sessions may be required to achieve better results. Some patients experience pulling sensations, but the specialists can adjust the treatment to ensure the patient is comfortable. The recovery is painless, and patients can resume regular activities after treatment. The results are visible in 8 weeks when the body eliminates the dead fat cells and builds muscles.

2. Coolsculpting

This is certainly one of the popular fat reduction procedures. It involves freezing fat cells to death using controlled cooling. The treatment time varies depending on the applicator and the target part of the body, but it could be as short as 35 minutes. The treatment is administered 2 to 3 times, and the client may experience a cold and tugging feeling for the first few minutes before the area with the fat cells goes numb. Although the client may continue their daily routine immediately after treatment, the side effects may include bruising, redness, tenderness, and mild tingling. The optimal results are noticeable 8-12 weeks later.

3. Sculpsure

This procedure is similar to coolscupting but uses heat to destroy the fat cells using light-based technology. It is non-invasive and takes as short as 25 minutes and an average of 2-3 treatments to achieve the desired results. After the procedure, the client may experience warmth and tingling but can resume normal activities immediately. Potential side effect includes swelling and stiffness. The optimal results appear about 8-12 weeks following the treatment.

4. Zerona

This laser-based technology involves heating the fat cells using the laser. Although the treatment is gentle, it is the least effective and requires strict adherence to diet after treatment. It takes about 40 minutes and six treatments over two weeks to achieve the results. Potential side effects of Zerona are quite rare, and patients can resume normal schedules immediately after treatment. If this method works, the results are visible after two weeks, but it is criticized for being ineffective.

5. Vanquish

Vanquish involves using radiofrequency to destroy fat cells. This method can work on a large target area, unlike other fat reduction procedures. Like Trusculpt, liposuction, and Ultrashape, vanquish relies on radiofrequency and ultrasonic energy to achieve the results. Each session takes 30-60 minutes and an average of 2-3 treatments. Some patients report side effects such as tenderness and lumps, but no downtime is associated with this treatment. It takes 8-12 weeks to realize the results.

People seeking to lose stubborn fats and improve their appearance have many reliable fat-reduction procedures to consider. A detailed analysis of each treatment method can help them choose the best method. Reputable cosmetic professionals also help clients choose effective fat-reduction methods to achieve the desired shape.