Have you ever encountered health issues for which there was no obvious cause? Perhaps you were chronically tired or found yourself unaccountably short of breath. Maybe you noticed your heart beating rapidly without exertion. Instead of searching your mind for possible clues, you could search your blood?
One common cause of unexplained medical symptoms is vitamin deficiency. All of the minerals and vitamins required by the human body create a harmonious balance. When one or more of these essential chemicals declines below a minimum threshold, the functioning of the entire body can be thrown out of balance. Many people assume that vitamin deficiency occurs only when they do not eat a balanced diet. Imbalances can occur, however, during the course of normal activities.
In-Home Tests for Vitamin Deficiencies
When minerals and vitamins in the bloodstream are out-of-balance, a number of potentially hazardous conditions can occur. In times past, determining whether or not you were suffering a vitamin deficiency required trips to the doctor or to a testing facility where blood was drawn and sent away for examination. Today, however, highly reliable in-home tests from laboratories like
Tigeni have made it possible to eliminate doctor visits and determine quickly whether or not a deficiency is present. Apart from the numerical test results, better laboratories offer several different varieties of online assistance. These include clear explanations of test results, information about how lifestyle impacts blood chemistry and referral to medical providers. By eliminating the need to interact first with medical providers, in-home tests remove the reluctance many people feel about getting examined for deficiencies.
Variety of Nutrients Tested
While there are many nutrients necessary for the well-being of the human body, characteristically there are certain vitamins and minerals that are more likely than others to cause imbalances that result in symptomatic issues. A simple
blood test can determine whether or not you are deficient in several markers:
• Magnesium. An inadequate level of magnesium, in addition to compromising bone density, is a factor in cardiac health, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
• Iron. In addition to potential anemia, a deficiency in iron can result in diminished red blood cells and a corollary decrease in the ability to absorb and use oxygen.
• Vitamin B12. A lack of B12 is also a causative factor in anemia, although B12 is also necessary for brain function. Insufficient B12 opens the door to a variety of diseases.
• Vitamin D. A deficiency in D, especially if undetected and untreated, can result in broad health issues for skeletal health, the immune system, skin and muscle health.
Benefits of Self-Tests
If you have never availed yourself of in-home testing, you may be a little reluctant to try these simple, non-invasive procedures that typically require no more than a sterilized prick of a finger. This hesitancy is natural, given that most people are taught strictly to rely upon a medical doctor to prescribe or conduct such tests. Utilizing self-tests is actually a step forward in self-care. In times past, you would go to the physician who would think on your behalf with the information you provided. Now, you can skip that first step, think for yourself and participate in what some
forward-looking sources have called a healthcare innovation “that can really make a difference in people’s lives today.” The use of these valuable tests does not remove the need for physicians. After all, if the results report an imbalance, you will need to consult a doctor about how to proceed. They do, however, simplify the process of deciding whether or not you have a physical problem. They either indicate or eliminate the source of symptoms you may be experiencing.
Additional In-Home Tests
Though this article has focused specifically on vitamin deficiency, it is important to recognize that there are many other physical conditions that can be tested for via in-home testing kits. These include kits for diabetes, cholesterol, glandular problems, gender issues, sexual health and, of course, the much-advertised tests regarding your genetic heritage. The
latest advancements, which physicians and other providers will be using mor
e often in the future, are RDT (rapid diagnostic tests) which can be used immediately to diagnose a number of conditions.
Perhaps the most important quality of in-home testing of all kinds is the way it allows you to become more involved and responsible for your own healthcare.