From blood pumping to looking after your bodily organs, the human liver is a remarkable organ that nurtures and protects the body from diseases and day to day health issues. People who do not take good care of their liver in the early days end up having loads of issues afterward.

Functions of Liver
There are some major functions of a liver that contribute to the everyday wellbeing of your body. Some of the most common functions that a healthy liver is prone to performing are:

Production of bile
Helping produce body waste
Boost metabolism
Boost blood circulation
Activating enzymes
Excreting bilirubin
Managing hormones and cholesterol
Storing glycogens
Synthesizing proteins like albumin
Regulation of sex hormones
Supply healthy fat to the body

These are some of the major functions that a liver performs on a daily basis. There are more than 500 functions that your liver performs to aid your body on a regular basis.

Common diseases caused due to liver damage

The liver may be invaded by bacteria and diseases, leading to chronic inflammation that decreases insulin sensitivity. This virus is transmitted via blood or sperm, tainted water, and food, or a near infected person. .Hepatitis infections are known as the most common forms of liver disease. It includes the following types:  

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C

Fortunately, hepatitis testing is available to people and many good pharmacies and testing labs are providing tests at reasonable prices.

Immune system issues
There are many diseases that affect your immune system. Whatever affects your immunity has a toll on your overall health as well. Some of the most common liver issues that can result in an immunity attack are:

Primary biliary cholangitis
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Autoimmune hepatitis

Genetic issues
There are many issues associated with the liver that might be transmitted from your ancestors. Some of these issues are:
Wilson’s disease

Tips to maintain a healthy liver
Here are some tips that can help you maintain liver health. Some of the most important methods that you can implement in your life to manage liver health are:

Maintain a healthy weight
For people whose BMI is above the normal healthy range, having liver issues and other health complications is quite common. People who struggle with maintaining a healthy weight have a large chance of developing fatty liver. A fatty liver leads to NAFLD which is short for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This is perhaps the most rapidly growing form of liver disease. If you are maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly with a good diet, you might reverse this condition as it will reduce the present situation of liver fat in your body.

Eat balanced meals
Having balanced meals is also a good way to reduce fat in the liver and boost its overall performance. You must ignore all the foods that are rich in calories, fats, processed carbs, and sugars. You need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables which will give your body enough fiber for a regulated bowel movement. Having healthy proteins will help you maintain healthy liver function and blood count. Fish and chicken are good options but any kind of red meat is bad for health and must not be consumed in large portions. Water is the core ingredient that leads to a balanced life. Health experts recommend that people consume more than 1 gallon of water every day if you are looking forward to losing weight or regulating liver functionality.

Regular Exercising
There is nothing healthier than going out for a walk or a run to burn some calories and work up that sweat. People who have liver issues are because they have trouble managing weight and the body is not circulating enough blood. Exercising is the key to maintaining a healthy liver as it reduces the stress on the liver. There are different easy to moderate exercises that can help you reduce weight and get rid of obesity. Different exercises like brisk walking and swimming play a major role in biting calories. It is recommended that you work out for at least 150 minutes a week.

Reduce the use of alcohol
Consuming a large amount of alcohol can actually contribute to hepatitis. People who develop liver issues at old age are also recommended for hepatitis testing. Our liver is only able to break a small chunk of alcohol every hour. This means that a small quantity of alcohol is enough for the body if you are a regular drinker. Anyone who goes beyond the standard drinking limit is damaging their liver cells and developing cirrhosis.

The standard drinking limit is:
Ordinary beer
Glass of wine
Shot of whiskey

General Treatment of Liver Issues
During the medical treatment, finding the cause and extent of liver damage is significant. It's likely that your doctor will begin with a medical status and a comprehensive medical examination.

Here are some of the tips that your doctors will perform:

Blood Tests
To identify liver problems, your doctor will take a collection of blood work called liver function tests. To check for serious liver disorders or health diseases, other blood tests may be performed.

Imaging Tests
Imaging tests are used to detect the major issues in your liver. The most common imaging tests are:

CT Scans

Sample Check
It can help treat liver problems and closely for signs of liver damage. This is mostly done by scraping a tissue (biopsy) from the liver. Your doctor will use a needle threaded via the skin to retrieve a tissue sample. This sample is sent to a clinic for examination. Usually, a liver biopsy is most frequently performed.

Liver diseases like hepatitis are more common among people who do not take care of their health. This is one of the major reasons why people need to adopt healthy habits and an even healthier lifestyle. Cutting back on alcohol can actually reduce your chances of early death as well as help your liver be more functional. Your doctor will perform a series of tests that will help them determine the extent of your problem and develop a personalized treatment.