What in the world is CBD? According to a
Harris Poll of more than 2,000 people in the U.S., 85 percent have heard of CBD, but many don’t know what it is. Only about 20 percent have tried it.
If you’re like many of the uninitiated, you’re probably trying to figure out what CBD stands for. You’ve seen advertisements all over the place, and the internet is full of articles talking about CBD and all its wonders. Isn’t it a form of marijuana?
Well, CBD isn’t an acronym like you might have thought. It’s also not marijuana, and it’s not illegal. You can find it online at stores like
https://penguincbd.com/ and have it shipped right to your door. But why would you? Let’s look at what CBD is and how it works effectively for many people.
CBD Explained
CBD is not an acronym at all. In fact, it’s just shorthand for cannabidiol. It’s likely that CBD retailers changed the name of CBD to try to rebrand the product. Cannabidiol sounds a lot like cannabis, and that’s somewhat of a buzzword all over the nation.
If that was the effect those who named CBD were trying for, it didn’t work. People still think that CBD is the same thing as cannabis or marijuana, but it’s much different. CBD in its purest form is derived from the hemp plant and is a non-psychoactive compound. That means it doesn’t get you high.
Pure CBD derived from hemp doesn’t contain THC, although some compounds can have a THC content up to
0.3 percent and still be sold legally. But that much THC isn’t enough to get a mouse high, let alone a person.
CBD can be obtained in dispensaries where cannabis products are sold legally, so that’s just a handful of states. Most people purchase CBD online and have it shipped to them. As long as it contains less than the legal limit of THC, you shouldn’t have a problem with cannabis laws.
How CBD Works
It’s believed that CBD is so effective because you already have a structure of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids in your body. These are organic receptors and transmitters in the brain that are responsible for hormone regulation, immune system support, pain management, and more.
When CBD enters the blood stream, it increases the number of cannabinoids in your system, thus influencing the transmitters sent to your endocannabinoids. If you’re experiencing adverse health problems like pain, anxiety, stress, or other problems that throw your body out of homeostasis, the increased production of cannabinoids will help to restore normalcy.
An effective dosage of CBD depends on your height, weight, and the way you take it. It’s believed that the best way to absorb CBD is through oils or isolates, the purest form of CBD. However, you can use CBD in a variety of formats like delicious edibles, vape juice, oil droppers, capsules, and more. Some people don’t like the earthy taste of pure CBD, and the other formats can make it easier to take.
How People Use CBD
The Harris Poll mentioned above also asked individuals how they chose to use CBD products. Here were the results:
55% Relaxation
50% Stress/anxiety relief
45% Sleep improvement
44% Muscle pain relief
39% Chronic pain relief
38% Joint pain relief
22% Social use
20% Migraine treatment
17% Nausea treatment
13% Spiritual Use
13% Novelty
11% Skincare
9% Menstrual symptom relief
8% Sexual enhancement
8% Seizure treatment
The information from this poll is significant because there’s little hard research to prove that CBD does anything. CBD is considered a Schedule 1 drug, which means that human trials are prohibited. In states and countries where cannabis has been legalized, studies are just now starting, but it will be a few years before we build up a large pool of research.
According to this poll, the most common uses of CBD are relaxation, treatment of anxiety, improved sleep, and pain/inflammation relief. Let’s take a closer look at those categories.
Those who have been under a lot of pressure in social situations, work, or at home may enjoy the benefits of CBD for relaxing. It’s hard to feel balanced and whole when you’re tense, and CBD can deliver that peaceful feeling.
The best part is that CBD doesn’t get you high. This means that you can take CBD at work or in other scenarios where you want to keep your wits about you, and you don’t have to worry about getting high.
Anxiety and Stress
More than
40 million American adults over the age of 18 have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It’s an easily treatable condition, but only a third of those diagnosed are getting treatment. They worry about the stigma of anti-anxiety medications and the side effects of the medication.
CBD offers the relief they seek without the stigma or side effects of anti-anxiety meds. About half of CBD users with anxiety say they prefer it to their anxiety medications.
Those diagnosed with sleep disorders (about 40 million Americans) struggle to find the peace of a restful night’s sleep every day. Another 20 million people experience occasional sleep problems, usually brought on by stress or anxiety.
CBD can help the mind and body relax enough that you can drift blissfully off to sleep and stay that way all night long.
Pain and Inflammation
Nobody is a stranger to the pain of an injury. It usually comes with inflammation that increases the pain and slows down healing. It’s more common among athletes who are constantly moving their bodies and stretching them to the limits. CBD creams, oils, and other products can make a great occasional pain and inflammation aid.
But there’s another class of people who experience chronic pain. They might be diagnosed with a chronic illness like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis. Or they might suffer from an unfixable or unexplainable pain in their head, back, or another part of their bodies.
CBD has provided millions suffering from pain relief for their ailments. They prefer CBD over prescription pain killers because there’s no risk for addiction, yet it’s stronger than prescription-dose ibuprofen.
For individuals suffering from any of these conditions, CBD can be a lifesaver. With more research and understanding about this hemp product, we’ll learn even more about the life-altering benefits of this supplement.