Studies have shown that CBD oil has numerous benefits if used correctly. More and more people are using CBD oil to provide relief for common ailments. The industry has been growing in leaps and bounds as the laws become less restrictive. This has created a massive industry for CBD products. Since it is an emerging industry, there are scrupulous individuals who are out to take advantage of genuine buyers. They could be selling you fake product without knowing. It can be difficult to determine the quality of the CBD oil that you’re buying especially if you’re a first time user.

Differentiating Between High Quality And Low CBD Oil

CBD extract is taken from the cannabis plant. It is mostly extracted from the agricultural hemp even though it can still be found in Marijuana. Quality is important as low-quality CBD might not provide the same benefits you’d find in high-quality CBD oil. Here are some of the ways that you can know that the CBD oil you’re buying is of high quality.

The Manufacturing Process

This is the most important part that will determine the quality of best CBD oil. The CBD oil industry is just emerging and there are no proper regulations to monitor the manufacturing process. As a result, different companies could have different manufacturing processes as there is no standardization in place. Companies that sell CBD oil may use cheap and ineffective methods when extracting CBD. They could be trying to cut costs by using cheap solvents which may be harmful to humans. The best extraction method is where ethanol is used to remove unneeded residues and toxins. It is important that you research the company’s extraction process before you make the decision of buying the CBD oil.

Source of CBD

The source of the CBD is just as important as the manufacturing process. The hemp plant that is used should clearly be stated by the manufacturer. There are manufacturers who will use low quality hemp for production in order to reduce the cost of the final product. These manufacturers only care about the profit margins and not the quality of the CBD oil. You can research where the company sources for the hemp. Ideally, the hemp should be sourced from US farmers as it is a requirement that they are licensed by the state’s department of agriculture.

Amount of THC Present in the CBD

THC is a cannabinoid that is present in both agricultural hemp and marijuana. It is the substance that is responsible for inducing the psychoactive effect. Hemp is preferred over marijuana because the levels of THC are low. There could still be enough THC levels in hemp to cause a psychoactive effect in the body. The levels of THC should be clearly labeled. The total amount should not exceed 0.3 %.

“Whole Plant” Vs “Full Spectrum label”

Whole plant manufactures is another good sign on the quality of the CBD. There are labs that get good results while others will fail the test. The purpose of independent testing is to ensure that the claims by manufacturers are actually true. A good company should not have an issue if independent testing is required. They should also ensure that the lab results are recent so that consumers know what exactly they are getting.

Customer Service

The kind of customer service you get from the manufacturer could be indication on the quality of product. A good company will respond to customers queries and concerns in a timely fashion. They should be able to provide results as consumers have the right to know what they are consuming.

To Sum it Up

The use of CBD oil is growing every day and the industry is still looking at ways of addressing the common challenges. One of the biggest challenges has to be the quality of the CBD oil. Not every consumer is savvy enough to know about the extraction process or the quality of hemp that is used.

There are likely to be more regulations on the manufacturing process as time progresses. The full legalization of hemp has opened doors for countless opportunities but you should always ensure that you’re cautious of the products you buy as a consumer. Make sure you do research on the product and the company. Ask questions if you’re in doubt of the product and the manufacturing process. A transparent company will be more than willing to give answers to your queries and concerns. Having the necessary knowledge will enable you to know the right CBD oil to buy.