All car owners spend a lot of time in their cars, whether it is while commuting to work, taking the kids to school or hauling groceries. Driving the same car can get really dull over time, and everyone wants the new shiny effect on their car. 

Of course we can't all afford a new car, but by making some small and inexpensive maintenance upgrades, we can instantly improve the look of our car and make it look awesome and well maintained. Here are some tips that you should follow to keep your car in top condition for lesser money. 

  Wash and Wax Your Car Regularly

Washing and waxing your car do not take much effort, and if you take some time to do it at home, you can get your car cleaned almost for free. Washing your car regularly is also very important to keep the paint safe and help it last longer. 

When dust and dirt stay on the car for a long time, they can actually damage the car. So, start by dusting the exterior of your car with a dry cloth, then wash the car. Use actual car washing soap because detergent is not suitable for the car's exterior. At the end, put a coat of car wax on the car to make it look well-maintained and amazing. 

  Clean the Car's Interior

While washing the car's exterior, don't forget about its interior. The interior of the car should also be cleaned to get the well-maintained look. Take out the floor mats and wash them and wash your seat cover as well when you have some free time. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean the seats. Remember to clean the windows from the inside as well.

  Replace the Seat Covers

If you want your car to look new and awesome but don't have a large budget, you can give your car's interior a facelift by changing the seat covers. It will totally change the interior of your car and make it look new and different. The cars that look clean and new on the inside look well-maintained on the outside as well. 

  Catch Up On Small Repairs

The best way to keep your car well-maintained for lesser money is to fix problems as soon as they are discovered. If small issues are left untreated, they can turn into larger, more damaging, and more expensive issues. 

So, take care of minor dents and scratches as soon as they are discovered and replace led headlight bulbs and wipers as soon as they go out of order. Taking care of small maintenance tasks will make sure that you don't have to get into more expensive ones.

  Get New Floor Mats

One of the things in the car's interior that can ruin the whole look is old and worn out floor mats. So, if you want to make your car appear well-maintained, you can also opt for changing the floor mats. You can get some floor mats that match the color of the seats instead of the simple black ones to add a little more style to the car.

I hope the simple tips mentioned above help you maintain your car the way you want. Have a wonderful day!

About the Author:

This post is written by Mark Hilton. He is a digital nomad who is obsessed with automobiles and loves road traveling. He has worked in several automobile companies and has been covering technology online for over five years. In order to know more about his site, you can visit