It is important for businesses to constantly look for ways to save money - the less you spend the greater your revenue. There are many different ways that a company could do this and these depend on your expenditures, but one way which the majority could save is by addressing their auto insurance. The majority of businesses will arrange annual insurance for their employees to use company cars, but this is not always the best solution.

Short Term Cover

Unless the employee uses the company car on a daily basis, you might want to consider using short term car insurance. Temp car insurance can be arranged for as little as one day through to one month and this makes it much more affordable and flexible than an annual policy. If your employees are using company vehicles irregularly then this could be a great way to save money whilst also ensuring that they are covered adequately.


In business, short term car insurance is helpful in many situations. Many believe that an annual policy that covers commuting will allow business trips, but this is not the case and you will need separate cover for this. Therefore, if you need to visit a client or attend training, it is wise to use temporary car insurance for the trip.

Fast Cover & NCD

Short term car insurance is also ideal if you have an employee that requires use of your vehicle for one reason or another. Instead of adding them to your annual policy, which can be a lengthy and difficult process, it is much quicker and easier to arrange temporary cover. In most cases, temporary cover can be arranged within 15 minutes provided the acceptance criteria is met. Another benefit of this is that short-term policies are standalone and will not interfere with any No Claims Discount (NCD) if a claim were to be made.


There is also flexibility when it comes to the vehicles to be insured too. This is handy for businesses with large fleets as employees can use different vehicles throughout the week without worrying about being uninsured. The dates are also flexible with the ability to arrange different days or weeks on different cars.

Short term can insurance is a great option for businesses because it can save money on annual insurance policies whilst still providing adequate cover for your employees. It is also incredibly flexible and quick to arrange, which is well-suited to the demanding needs of a modern business.