Learning to drive and getting their license are very exciting times for a teenager. This is one of those important milestones that brings them even closer to adulthood. While you should encourage your teen to learn and be proud of them when they pass their test, it’s extremely important to make sure they’re being safe on the road. Here are some tips to encourage your teen to be a safer driver.

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Free Stock PhotosFirst of all, be sure to talk to them about high-risk situations. When they’re learning, it’s pretty unlikely that you or your kid’s
driving instructor would put them into any high-risk traffic situations. Once they’ve got their license, however, it’s a different story. Now that they can drive independently, your teen will be more likely to drive on high-speed roads, at night, when tired, or with distractions. Though they may be sick of you nagging them, no one wants to end up in a car crash, and your teen will be fairly receptive when you tell them about high-risk situations on the road, and how they should handle them. Perhaps the most important thing is ensuring that they never drink-drive. This is a big risk among young drivers, and I’m sure you don’t want to have to call a
DWI lawyer as soon as your kid’s got their license!

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PixabayMy second piece of advice is to pay closer attention to your own driving, and try to set a good example. It may be hard to believe when they’re going through the teenage years, but you’re a pretty significant role model to your kids, and your driving is going to have a significant influence on theirs. It may be hard now that they’ve got their license, but look for opportunities where you can give them lifts. When you’re doing this, drive like a nun; practice all the
safe driving habits that you’ve told them about. Even being a passenger in their car and pointing out unsafe drivers can have a big impact on the way your teen drives.

Image from
FlickrFinally, do what you can to make sure they’re driving a
safe vehicle. Obviously it’s not always practical to spend a small fortune on your teenager’s first ever car. If possible though, it’s certainly worth buying a car with a few extra safety features thrown in. A lot of modern models have backup sensors or cameras, which will help your teen cover their blind spots when they’re reversing out of a tight space. It’s pretty common for a teen’s first car to be some nimble, compact hatchback or city car. These are certainly the more economical choice, but not always the safest. When you’re on busy roads or in an accident, it’s better to be in a larger vehicle like an SUV or pickup. It may be hard to stay within budget, but try to ensure your kid gets a car with safety features that go further than seatbelts!
Follow these tips, and you can rest easy knowing your teen is a much safer driver.