Redditor spidermanngp created this hilarious and accurate summary of Iron Man 1 and 2 for his girlfriend. Unfortunately they broke up before he could finish it. But anyway, he released it for all to see, which was a good choice because it's really quite good:
My ex was coming to see Iron Man 3 with me but hadn't seen the first two, so I decided to make her a multimedia synopsis of the first two. We broke up before I completed it but decided to go ahead and finish it. She'll never see it, but I think it but I wanted to share it with somebody.
But don't feel too bad for spidermanngp, because according to him:
I'm getting a lot of pity/etc for the whole breakup aspect. I appreciate it, I do, but I honestly don't want/need it. The breakup wasn't some big life event or anything like that. It was my decision to remain apart. And all for the better, cause my new gf is the cat's neon pajamas.
Watch the 8-minute video he made below: